Tuesday, September 4, 2007

We're not in Kansas anymore

Dateline Wednesday: And so we began on our family vacation. I was not exactly what one would call excited, having vivid memories of our last Family Vacay on 2bit's 21st birthday. That trip caught almost every possible element of Murphy's law one could encounter. I'll post that story later.
This trip included Matt, Dad, Step-mom, 2bit, SS hubby, Marshall bro, Preggers wifey (27 weeks along) and myself. Matt and I flew into Denver which went well, no problems, then on to Cody. The flight was interesting. We had a Cody "native" behind us on the plane talking with his neighbor about hunting. Turns out he had a great mullet to match his stories, no surprise. Our favorite was one about buffalo within Yellowstone national park that went like this:

You know, this time of year you have to be careful because the bison are "rutting" right now.
(they're in heat). Two men were that driving through Yellowstone, they came up on a traffic jam created by Buffalo in the road. They were real close to the road, so close that the guy in the passenger seat stuck his arm out the window and patted one on the neck. It reared back and rammed the truck, knocked it off the road, broke the axle and knocked off the tire. I tell you, man, you gotta be careful around them.

Then once the plane landed and we were allowed to use our cell phones, he called his girlfriend and proceeded to ask "What are you wearing?" Seriously, he asked this loudly while the plane is still taxiing down to the gate. Once we got off the plane, into one of the smallest airports I've ever seen, I saw some of the most "interesting" people grouped together in one place. There was a whole herd of mullets and femullets, a woman with a purse made out of a skunk, men with mustaches and beards that emulated Buffalo Bill (or beards circa late 1970s or 1870s), and one guy whose mustache was so long it reached his clavicle--Braided!! Thus was my introduction to Cody, WY. Wowza!!!

Happy Trails to you...

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