Friday, February 29, 2008

(insert witty title here)

So apparently, Spring does not want to come to the Midwest in any sort of speedy fashion. We got yet more snow last night with a little more predicted on Sunday (and freezing rain tomorrow morning, oh joy). As a result things in our house are pretty much the status quo. I have started to get more energy. I'm cleaning more often, which amazing Matt undoes in record time. I spent 2 hours at the mall on Sunday and didn't need a nap when I got home, which is a huge accomplishment (and a rather sad commentary on my current level of endurance). Of course, this morning, while in the shower, I felt the need to encourage the sweet hubby to purchase toilet wands because I obviously feel the need to clean the bathrooms this weekend, top to bottom.
On a funny note, one day this week one of the ladies I work with was chatting with me, when she made an excited statement about the fact that not only is my belly getting larger, but apparently my "endowment fund" has also increased (she actually said they had gotten huge). It made me a little self-conscious for the moment, but then when I looked at a picture Matt took of me last week, I think she might be right. I look like I'm just busting out all over, not that I mind. It's just a new development--no pun intended. Of course, Matt isn't going to complain. What man would?
We also got to hear bambino's heartbeat again this week. It was a "perfect" 159 according to our midwife. And, in my normal preparatory manner, I asked what to expect for our next visit and when I'd get to see the smiling face of the miniDrisc. So next visit, March 24, we get to have a sonagram to check out the development and see the bambino in black and white. What a fun time that will be!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Five years ago, the thought of elastic waistbands were reserved for my various athletic activities. If the word "ball" wasn't included in the title (volleyball, softball, football, etc.), elastic was not part of my wardrobe. I would even turn my nose up at pretty pants because, ugh, they had elastic on the back waistband. Hear that sound? That is the sound of Ginny changing her tune...lah-lah-laaaaah!

Saturday, wonderful Jana brought 2 16-gallon tubs of maternity clothes and I had a grand time washing many loads of clothes. (She has wonderful taste.) Yesterday, I received 2 new pairs of pants I ordered online. And now that my waist is expanding (no, it doesn't have to do with sour cream and onion dip---entirely), I am enjoying the gifted and purchased clothes. Not until Sunday did I realize how much I now love elastic waistbands. They truly make me smile. The only thing I have to get used to is the absence of belt loops, which I know are completely unnecessary for elastic pants, but the perfect spot for hanging my keys when I'm at work. A small price to pay for amazing, and cute, comfort.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Baby's first booties

No. My mom isn't excited about being a grandmother at all. In fact, she's so unenthused, she made the baby some booties. Poor baby.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Spoils of Baby-dom

I am so excited about Bambino Drisc! And that was before I started getting fun goodies. This weekend sweet, sweet Molly and Rachel gave us a Diaper Champ. Matt was so excited he joked about trying it out. Today, I got my diaper bag, made with love by Mary (our departmental quilting guru). I was so excited I ran around the department to show it off. And tonight, it got the "wag" of approval from my puppy. I have such good friends!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Make it stop! Make it stop! Make it stop!

It is snowing...again. Or maybe I should say...still. As of 11-ish this morning, we had 7.3 inches and it's been coming down in a horizontal manner. I mean, I love snow. It usually makes me smile. But multiple feet of snow for multiple days is more than I can handle and while I could conceivable try get to work, I really don't want to risk the frustration or danger of driving on the roads. Our streets haven't even been plowed since before dawn. Matt has plowed our driveway twice and you can't even tell.

He did earn some super brownie points by helping one of our new neighbors clear off their driveway this morning. The neighbors moved in a few weeks after we did and are both 80+ years old. He's such a good boy.

Still, the snow can stop now. Seriously, it can stop. I mean it!
I'm done whining now. Hope you're enjoying 60+ degrees and sun!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Stupid Whistlepig!

Once again, Punxsutawney Phil crept from his hole and saw his shadow. This almost immediately had an effect in the ole' Midwest. Yesterday, in a 4-hour span, we got 8 inches of snow. EIGHT! C'mon, Phil! Don't you think we've had enough?!
This wouldn't be so bad, I'm sure, if I weren't missing the sun and it's magnificent rays. Alas, they are to be hidden until Friday (or so). Granted, it is not frigidly cold outside; it is 2 degrees above freezing. Yet, that isn't enough to quelch my desire for Spring. I want to be able to open the windows in my home and feel the beautiful calming breeze of Spring.
Yet the whistlepig (my mother's name for groundhog) could not deliver. Wonder if he (or his handlers) accept bribery for next year's prediction. Hey, it's worth a shot!