The biggest and best of these is laundry.
This is not the task the I enjoy most nor is it something that I was immediately successful in transitioning away from my task. The first year of marriage resulted in a load of my most favorite clothes being destroyed by the ink pen left in a pants pocket and the rest being put in the dryer that were either "Dry Clean Only" or "Lay Flat to Dry." Thus is the learning curve of a newly married man. How I have managed to maintain the assignment of duties is simple:
Make sure your husband has fewer pairs of underwear than you
When Matt runs out, he does the laundry, which is always significantly before I need to do it myself. This has been really good in the past with the exception that I have now learned one of his methods of deciding what to wash. Simply put, he picks the top half of the clothes in the laundry basket, washes those and goes on with life. This explains why I haven't been able to locate a particular shirt and wondered if perhaps I'd left it somewhere during out Southern Birthday Excursion. Alas, after two weeks of wondering (aloud often) where that shirt may be, I found it at the absolute bottom of the clothes pile for the wrong grouping (darks not lights). So while my plan has worked fairly well, I have found the flaw.