I don't know what's going on, but the last month has been filled with more frustrations and irritations than I can even begin to share.
The family came for Easter. All the Grandparents played well together. Dad and I had to have a heart-to-heart with 2Bit as the Mediator. Seriously. The man is almost 60 and has the communication skills of a 10-year-old. So we got that worked out, at least for now.
Work has been another. There are so many different things going on and it's just reaching a point of wanting to scream (I'm also thinking about getting a punching bag...again). Some of it is just that I'm tired of the being the "flexible" team; the ones who can adjust our time, location, even the tests we give to accommodate others and never expect anything in return. That has now begun to bite me in the backside. Because we're so "flexible" and because KG is willing to take whatever scraps we're given, we're totally getting the shaft. And by that I mean, we're having to schedule patients over our lunch hour so we can get the data. Granted some of my RAs work over lunch so it's not a big deal, but it's the days where I am the only one and have to miss lunch with my baby so that this can happen. It's not the scheduler's fault. She's doing everything she can to find ways around that. It's just that we don't have the space. And today, when we were scheduled, it was decided that we weren't going to get the space we had been given. Why? Because it was easier for someone else. Were we asked if we'd be willing to switch? No. We weren't given any courtesy. We were expected to be "flexible."
Then there's my Biostats class. It's a good class. By why on God's green earth would you give a Graduate level class a group project. I haven't had one since my freshman year. That one didn't work our well because I did 80% of the work for a group of 5. Now there are 3 of us and, while I know each is putting in the effort, I feel like a dog chasing its tail sometimes. One of my group members is much more abstract and keeps trying to add creativity to a cut and dry project. So we spent 8 hours on Saturday banging our heads against a wall when we'd found the first step 30 minutes into our meeting.
Yesterday, Matt and I had a doozie of a fight. I needed him to pick up baby from school/daycare. I sent him an email (shortly after he'd written me), sent him a text--no response from either. Then at 3 I get an email from school that she was sick. I tried to call--no answer. Then sent another text that said "Nevermind" regarding his picking her up. Then I sit in the tx room for 30 minutes waiting on the doctor to come in and tell me, it's just diarrhea and nothing more (except, "yeah, that is a viral rash."). By this time it's almost 5. I was supposed to meet with my group at 4:30. At this point, I have 3 texts from Matt (no signal in the doc's office). Apparently, he went to daycare to pick her up. Then, when I didn't respond to his texts he went home...and waited. Then had the nerve to get mad at me for not calling him from the phone in the tx room. Yeah, cause I think he's gonna answer, right?
Anyway, it's just been like this for too long. Maybe it'll get better when classes end on the 15th. Maybe it'll all work out. Maybe we'll get these 4 papers done we've been working on and lighten the load. Maybe I'll get my other project started and finish the not-my-project project. In the mean time, it's really hard to do my job like I want.