Last week we reached our half-way point for BabyD to make his/her arrival. We had our ultrasound and aside from my child being less than cooperative, things were once again "perfect" (not my term, but that's what the pros said). All appears to be going well in the baby-cooking department. And, no, we didn't find out boy or girl, just that there is a shy baby with a beautiful spine a-growin'. We weren't able to get a profile shot of the kiddo, per the previously mentioned lack of cooperation. Instead, we have a full-on face shot, which I think looks a little like Skeletor (only cuter, 'cause it's my kid).
In the past week I've had much more fun getting kicked, which brightens my day. And I'm preparing for 2 weeks of conferences. Tomorrow, I head to Chicago for the MT conference and Wednesday of next week I'm off to sunny San Diego for a CI conference. I'm actually looking forward to both, but for different reasons. I want to go to Chicago to see friends I haven't seen in quite a while; not that thrilled about the actual MT sessions and such. For San Diego, well, it's San Diego--filled with fun parties and an ocean view. Then there's the professional stuff, which seems more intellectually appealing than Chicago (not good considering my profession is MT--oh well, I always enjoy Nationals more anyway).
On a happy note, Spring has finally arrived and by "Spring" I mean consecutive days above 40 degrees and thunderstorms. Oh, how I love thunderstorms. Something about the rumbles of thunder, flashes of lightening, and torrential downpours soothes me. All I need is a tin roof next to a window and I could sleep/relax for hours. I do love the sunshine of spring, though, so maybe we could have the thunderstorms in the evening and the sun during the day... just not every day. Now to see if any of my tulips have survived the move...
-peace and love!